Our Target Communities

ADHAR works with individuals and families and communities from marginalised section of the operational area focusing on:

Children: We ensure access to quality education and provide opportunities for them to develop their full potential. ADHAR works with them to ensure their rights to development, right to protection, right to survival and right to participation.
Women: ADHAR works with vulnerable women those who are victims of discrimination, exploitation, abuse, violence and reeling with poverty. We empower women through skill development programs and support their participation in community development initiatives.
Marginalized Communities: We work with underprivileged communities i.e. Tribals, Migrant Labours, Daily wage earners etc. facing challenges like poverty, lack of access to education, and environmental degradation.
Small & Marginalised Farmers: ADHAR works with small & marginal farmers those who are victims of agrarian crisis and climate change.

Our Supporters
